Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Was chatting to a friend last night about the changes in my life, in my attitudes, in how I've grown in the past half year - ironically returning back to my original self which had been lost for so terribly long. He called me a "free spirit" and said i was rediscovering that part of myself. It startled me because it has been a very, very long time since anyone referred to me as a free spirit.

I know I used to be. I used to be creative and fun and confident. Oh, a lot of people think I am but they only see the facade that i've become very good at projecting. I do good fake. I always have.

But i realized something last night during that chat, I AM moving gradually toward a happier place within myself. I am living less in fear and more in hope and anticipation. To those I trust, I have begun to relax and share more... trust more. This is a good thing. That i've begun to trust even a little in people again is a huge step forward.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"...But i realized something last night during that chat, I AM moving gradually toward a happier place within myself..."

And when you reach that happier place you will rejoice in your new-found appreciation for the Queen's English and start realising that you have been spelling the word 'realised' incorrectly all those 'unhappy place' years.
