I got an email last night from one of closest and oldest (as in number of years we've known each other) friends. I think he's about mid-forties now, has always been a health fanatic with a regimented daily workout, until some disks in his back collapsed recently and he had to have back surgery a month ago. During the course of THAT treatment they discovered that he has serious heart problem due to a defective valve. He has to have open heart surgery next month. Open freakin heart surgery!!!
He must have known I was going to go into fullblown panic mode because his message was packed full of reassurances that it was a good thing it was caught early, blah, blah, blah.
Open HEART surgery!!!!
Yeah. I'm mildly freaked. I lie. I'm totally freaked.
I'm carrying around a bag with me everyday that is stuffed full of thoughts and prayers for several people who i love dearly that are going through all manner of difficulties. I open the bag and pour my heart into it daily. It just got a little more crowded in there.
ur such a good person!
Good evening Lakota
A few days after I had my accident this was on the news:
I was pretty messed up, Hell, I still am messed up. but nothing like this fellow or the many like him. Although his story helped to motivate me.
I, like your other friend know that there's no choice but to deal with a problem or condition and get through it.
You don't need to be freaked. It's just part a life and you flow through it.
The shoes are cute, just don't walk anywhere in them. we don't want you hurting your back.
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