Without worry of image, or relevance or even making sense.
This place is really for me to just unload at. If you decide to hangout here let me know and i'll add you to the links.
Just don't expect anything profound here.
For example... i made myself real food again for dinner. I am so impressed with myself.
Tonight it was baked chicken breast, with cucumber salad, sauteed portabella mushrooms and fresh cantalope.
That shit rocked!
Why is this a big deal? Because i have the worst eating habits on the planet. I'm the queen of one meal a day. Or I was. The personal trainer convinced me to give up my evil ways.
Cooking is still something I would rather not be bothered with but I'm doing better.
Yup. So that is it. My happy moment in the kitchen. Heh.
MUSHROOMS! I love mushrooms, any way they're fixed...you'll be surprised how much better your going to feel when you start eating better...
heehee! how appropriate that you are my first commenter here Jackie. I was thinking when i created this spot to just talk shit, that you would like this mo' bettah. :P And yup - i'm a total mushroom whore. lovvvvvve them. :D
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